The Republican Center for the Study of Public Opinion "Ijtimoiy Fikr" is a non-governmental non-profit organization with the status of a research institution. The main goal of Ijtimoiy Fikr is to identify, study and analyze, as well as systematically monitor the main trends in the dynamics of public opinion in all sectors of the country's development.
Ijtimoiy Fikr was created in 1997, and from this period on, the Ijtimoiy Fikr research team was the first to conduct regular sociological polls of public opinion throughout the country. Over the more than 20-year period of its activity, the Center conducted more than 600 comprehensive studies, through various methods presented in sociological science.
History of the Center "Ijtimoiy Fikr" in numbers
years of experience
thousand respondents
Today, RTsIOM "Ijtimoiy Fikr" is a leading research organization in the field of public opinion research on a wide range of issues in Uzbekistan. The main areas of the Center's activities are the study of public opinion in the field of socio-political, socio-economic, cultural development of society.
In addition to the traditional range of issues addressed by the organization, there are programmes on labour market research, migration, human trafficking, corruption, youth, women and the older generation, environmental issues, reproductive health, family relationships and family values, among others. The center has a staff of highly qualified specialists in the field of sociology, psychology, political science, history, demography, economics, information and technical resources necessary for conducting comprehensive monitoring studies of various levels and scales. The Centre cooperates closely and provides research services to a wide range of partners, including governmental, non-governmental and international organizations.
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+998 71 239 16 68