The improvement of the education system in the context of the new stage of the country's development is a priority both from the perspective of the government, education professionals, and in the collective public consciousness.

In recent years, new schools have been built and existing ones have been renovated in the country. Their material and technical base, as well as human resources, are being strengthened, and textbooks and teaching materials are being developed to meet the most modern requirements and standards. Special attention is given to the preparation of modern, creatively thinking professionals, the upbringing of patriotic youth with strong spiritual values, and the improvement of the education system.

For the systematic development of this sector within the framework of administrative reform, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education has been established. Measures are being taken to optimize the structure of the system, implement modern programs, and encourage education professionals.

In the "Uzbekistan – 2030" Strategy, the reform of the education system is a key component of the country's further modernization. It aims to enhance the human resources in the education sector, organize the educational process, and provide services in educational institutions based on new principles, raise the quality of educational services to international standards and further accelerate reforms.

To identify priority areas for the systematic reform of general secondary education, elevate the spiritual, moral, and intellectual development of the younger generation to a qualitatively new level, and implement innovative forms and methods of teaching in the educational process, the Concept for the Development of the National Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 was approved.

In his speech at the ceremonial meeting dedicated to Teachers and Mentors Day, the President of the country, Sh. M. Mirziyoyev, emphasized that "today we are building a social state in Uzbekistan where every person, regardless of nationality, language, or religion, can realize their talents, abilities, knowledge, and experience." To this end, we are mobilizing all our resources and opportunities for the harmonious, intellectual, and physical development of our youth, ensuring they receive quality education and find their rightful place in life.

To improve the quality and level of domestic education, enhance the educational process in schools, and facilitate the development of scientifically grounded measures to address existing problems in this area, our country plans to conduct public opinion surveys and study the views and suggestions of citizens on the most pressing issues.

The Republican Public Opinion Research Center "Ijtimoiy Fikr" pays constant attention to educational issues in its activities. Experts at the Center conduct monitoring studies aimed at assessing citizens' satisfaction with the quality of education and the conditions provided in general education schools. They also examine the attitudes of Uzbekistan's population toward ongoing reforms in secondary education and the changes taking place within the school system. On the eve of Teachers and Mentors Day, specialists from the Republican Public Opinion Research Center conducted a public opinion survey entitled “Modern School: Assessments and Prospects,” which involved Uzbeks whose children are currently receiving education in schools.

Among the respondents were residents from all regions of the country, including urban and rural inhabitants, men and women of different ages, as well as representatives from various social strata and nationalities.

The conducted research confirms that with the transition to market relations, education has come to be perceived in public opinion as an important economic resource that ensures successful self-realization, social mobility, and the material well-being of citizens. As the prestige of education rises in society, so do the demands for the quality of the educational services provided.

Today, parents have the option to choose a school for their child, as the country offers various types and orientations of schools, including both public and private schools. To develop the abilities of gifted and talented children, the country has established presidential, creative, and other specialized schools.

Currently, school and family represent the most important institutions for the socialization of the younger generation. Issues related to various aspects of school education, modern curricula, the quality of educational materials, the processes of upbringing and the development of well-rounded personalities in children and adolescents, as well as the effectiveness of interaction between schools and families, teachers and parents, and parental involvement in their children's school life, along with their awareness of how education is conducted, are of fundamental importance. Parents of students are full participants in the educational process, and their opinions and suggestions regarding various aspects of the school's activities should be considered one of the indicators of its effectiveness. During the public opinion survey, participants were asked: "Do you have detailed information about the school and the educational process of your child or children?" According to the data obtained, 71.5% of citizens are fully informed about how the educational process is conducted in the school their children attend. 26.2% of respondents reported being partially informed about their children's school education.

The data obtained indicate a relatively high level of awareness among citizens about their children's school life. However, the percentage of respondents who noted their partial awareness suggests the need to continue efforts aimed at increasing the transparency and accessibility of information regarding the educational process in schools. It is essential to take measures that encourage parental involvement in their children's school life, activate teachers to seek new forms and methods of interaction with parents, and foster collaboration and integration between family and school. This aims to optimize the educational process and achieve even higher results for students.

The quality and condition of repairs in schools, the availability of necessary equipment, and the presence of essential teaching materials, textbooks, and resources undoubtedly impact students' academic performance and education levels, as well as their safety and health.

The survey established that citizens' evaluations of the indicators related to the conditions for organizing the educational process are generally positive.  According to 36.9% of citizens, the quality of repairs in the schools their children attend can be rated as "excellent," while 33.7% believe that the repairs are "good." The percentage of respondents who rate the quality of school repairs as "average" is 22.7%.   

Properly arranged furniture, including desks and chairs suitable for the age and anatomical-physiological conditions of children, modern blackboards, and necessary technical equipment enable the organization of the educational process according to the age, medical, intellectual, and other characteristics of the students. 43.2% of respondents noted excellent equipment in the classrooms where their children study, while 31% rated it as "good." In the opinion of 18.4%, the equipment of the classrooms is "average."

Participants in the survey rated the availability of modern textbooks more highly compared to other indicators related to the conditions for organizing the educational process. More than half of the respondents (57%) whose children are currently attending school believe that the availability of modern textbooks for students is "excellent." The percentage of respondents who rate the availability of textbooks as "good" is 27.9%. The percentage of citizens who rated the availability of modern textbooks negatively is small. Most respondents pointed to the absence of textbooks for certain subjects, which negatively affects the quality of instruction and the students' knowledge in those areas.

The predominance of positive evaluations from the public regarding the conditions established for organizing the educational process in schools confirms the effectiveness and results of the measures being implemented in the country to reform the secondary education system, strengthen the material and technical base, and improve the infrastructure of general secondary education institutions as part of the National Program for the Development of School Education for 2022-2026.

Assessments by Uzbeks of the quality of domestic school education and the professional level of teachers indicate that certain results have been achieved under the reforms, which are already viewed positively by society. Citizens note improvements in the resource base of schools, the introduction of new curricula for several subjects, and the digitization of the educational process and student performance monitoring. Participants in the conducted study confirm that the existing system of school education and the qualified teaching staff contribute to the harmonious development of children and adolescents, uncover their abilities, and provide students with opportunities to gain knowledge, ensuring preparation for further education, including at higher educational institutions in the country.