The Republican Center for the Study of Public Opinion "Ijtimoiy Fikr" informs that on the basis of the international scientific and practical seminar "Current problems of studying and forming public opinion in Uzbekistan: methods, theory and practice" within the framework of the third "Sociological readings named after Academician Rano Ubaidullaeva" it is planned to publish a collection of scientific articles on the topic: "Youth of the New Uzbekistan: value guidelines and prospects for self-realization".

The main topics for the scientific articles include: 

  1. The role of youth in the information society: prospects and innovations.
  2. Youth and Education: Current Issues and Solutions;
  3. Youth and the Transformation of Values in the Era of Globalization;
  4. Youth Problems: Unemployment, Education, Negative Impact of Social Networks;

Researchers, scholars, university professors, practitioners, scientific staff, doctoral students, researchers, and master's students are invited to contribute their articles to the collection.

Requirements for Article Submission:

The organizing committee accepts for publication scientific, previously unpublished materials related to the topic "Youth of New Uzbekistan: Value Orientations and Prospects for Self-Realization" in Uzbek, Russian, or English.

  1. Materials should be submitted electronically: MS WORD format; A4 size, main font – Times New Roman; font size – 14, line spacing – 1.15; justified text alignment; paragraph indent – 1.25 cm; all margins – 2 cm. Pages should not be numbered. The length should be between 7 and 10 pages.
  2. The article must include: an abstract in Uzbek, Russian, and English (up to 50 words each), keywords (up to 20 words), introduction, main body, conclusion and recommendations, and a list of references.

- Author(s) full name(s) in the language of submission (lowercase letters, bold font, right-aligned);

- Academic degree, academic title, position (right-aligned);

- One line below – full name of the organization. (e-mail:);

- The title of the article in the language of submission (in uppercase, bold font, centered).

- The main text of the article should follow one line below.

  1. Tables and figures should have titles and numbering (Arabic numerals). The source used in tables and figures should be indicated below the table and figure. Example: "Source: Table from the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Statistical Collection ‘Demographic Situation of the Republic of Uzbekistan’. January-December 2020. Tashkent, 2021. pp. 96-121."
  2. References and citations should be listed at the end of the article. They should be ordered as they appear in the text, including page numbers. For example: Rashidov M.K. “Analysis of Legal Provision for Establishing Free Economic Zones.” // Scientific-Practical Journal “Service”. – Tashkent, 2019. No. 2. pp. 143-146.
  3. Articles must be meticulously edited in accordance with all requirements. Articles that do not meet the formalization requirements or are submitted after the deadline will not be included in the collection and will not be returned to the authors.

The organizing committee reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements.

Articles should be sent to the email address nlita@yandex.com or via Telegram at 90 186-78-73 by October 20, 2024, with the subject "Sociological Lectures."