The Republican Center for the Study of Public Opinion "Ijtimoiy Fikr" has begun conducting a public opinion survey on the topic "Modern Family in Uzbekistan."
The aim of the research is to analyze the current state of families in our country, study the factors influencing the creation and strengthening of families, explore the family environment, aspects of family formation and development, positive and negative factors affecting families, the main differences and conflicts in families of modern society, as well as citizens' views on family labor activities.
Additionally, the research is aimed at studying the population's knowledge of marriage contracts in the country, as well as analyzing opinions regarding the prospects and role of marriage contracts in modern families. The study involves citizens from all regions of the country, residents of cities and rural areas, men and women, representatives of various nationalities and social strata, working in both public and private sectors of the economy, as well as youth and middle-aged and elderly individuals.