World Non-Governmental and Non-Profit Organizations Day (NGO Day)
Every year on February 27, the world celebrates World Non-Governmental and Non-Profit Organizations Day (NGO Day). This date has been established in recognition of the invaluable contribution of non-governmental and non-profit organizations to socio-economic development at both global and local levels.
Non-governmental and non-profit organizations serve as an important pillar of civil society, addressing various social issues, protecting human rights, supporting vulnerable groups, preserving the environment, and contributing to the development of education, healthcare, and the labor market. These organizations act as independent social institutions, do not pursue commercial objectives, work in the interests of the population, and effectively cooperate with both government agencies and the private sector.
In our country, the development of civil society is one of the key objectives of the Concept for the Development of Civil Society for 2021–2025. Non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs) operating in various spheres of public life in Uzbekistan are among the essential social institutions of civil society.
The Republican Center for the Study of Public Opinion "Ijtimoiy Fikr" conducted a sociological study aimed at analyzing the role of non-governmental and non-profit organizations in society, their place in the country's reform and modernization processes, the demand for civic initiatives as a factor of democratic development, as well as developing recommendations to increase the effectiveness of NGOs. The study examined citizens' perceptions of NGOs, their activities, and the conditions necessary for greater public involvement in NGO initiatives.
The survey revealed that the understanding of NGOs among different social groups is largely similar, which indicates that NGOs are becoming a well-recognized social phenomenon. However, some citizens may still lack a clear understanding of the term. Overall, the public perception of NGOs revolves around the key concept of "assistance," along with related ideas of "support" and "aid." Thus, citizens view NGOs as organizations that help address pressing social issues. In their perception, NGO activities cover a broad range of humanitarian efforts, including supporting low-income individuals, people with disabilities, human rights protection, environmental preservation, healthcare, education, culture, and the empowerment of youth and women.
Additionally, citizens believe that NGOs help establish dialogue between civil society institutions and government bodies, as well as unite efforts in solving urgent social problems.
Overall, the results of the study confirmed that civil society, the non-governmental sector, and NGOs operating in the country play a crucial role in the development of social relations, democracy, the rule of law, and the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms. The activities of non-governmental organizations continue to evolve and improve, shaping a positive public perception of NGOs and fostering greater trust in them. According to the survey, 76.3% of respondents confirmed that NGOs in the country work in the interests of citizens and strive to bring their voices to higher government authorities. This, in turn, contributes to greater social satisfaction, improved family well-being, and the resolution of key societal issues.